



(この件に関する問い合わせ先) 学生支援部留学支援課 (内線2123)

Regarding the cancellation of openly recruiting international student residents in the international house, Spring 2023.

While the new international student residents are openly recruited in January and in July every year, it was cancelled Spring 2023 (Reiwa the 5th). Due to the increase of exchange students in accordance with the agreement, there is no more room available for openly acccepting application now.

When there is a vacancy other than during openly accepting applications, it is possible to accommodate in the international house. If you want to use the international house as accommodation of the short term program, etc., Please contact us, and we will correspond individually, depending on how many rooms are vacant.

(Contact information: Phone: 095-819-2123/ Mail: ryugaku_shien@ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp
Student Exchange Support Division,Student Support Department)